Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, Stage 16

July 22, Rapid City SD to Murdo, SD, 148 miles, 4180 climbing feet. Temp in the 90s, dropping into the 80s by later afternoon, when arrived into Murdo. Long day for a 10-15 mph headwind. Drafted some which helped. Doing the same thing tomorrow will be a challenge. We also lose an hour of sleep tonight. Crossed Cheyenne River. Badlands National Park was interesting--wind eroded formations that looked like moonscape at times and rough small mountains also. Sits out in the middle of nothing else. Had lunch there at 78 miles, and still had 70 miles to go. Exchanged leads for 45 miles with Bob, an attorney from CT, who I had ridden with a few days ago. Last 25, I could not stay with him, so rode in alone. Took a quick dip in the pool which felt wonderful. Last night, called Holly Emery, my niece, to wish her a Happy Birthday. She asked where I was on my trip, and I said, "Rapid City." She and her husband Eric, and sons Jack and Sam were also in Rapid City, having visited Mount Rushmore also. They had seen bikers there. We could have run into each other there. Anyway, they came to my motel and we had a brief visit. Holly also came over this morning to wish me a good ride. Wonderful to see real live people I care about, and get Holly's great hugs. Wheat and hay, John Deere tractors, an old Farmall. Only pictures were from the bike. No time to stop. I am dreading tomorrow being like today, except 3 miles shorter. Sometimes, it is hard to know how to keep the legs moving when they are in a state of exhaustion. Energy drinks, and supplements help, but they have their limits. I will hate getting out of bed in 8 hours.


  1. Ellery, I know you knew there would be days (and days) like today. But maybe like Donald Rumsfeld, you didn't know what you didn't know. I keep thinking of our ride this year to Guthrie and the ride a few years ago to Pilot Mound...then rather than turning around for the ever-welcome tailwind, no, another one just like the other one. The meditations must, I hope, provide some solace.

    And, yes, that wanna-be MVP, Ryan Braun has been found, for the 2nd time to be using PEDs. Done for the season. Another supposed "hero", like Lance, toppled. Yes, Amy, one can't believe any of the Tour riders are "clean" whatever that means. But that list can likely include them all as at least suspicious. Unfortunate.

    Ellery, dig deep to the strength we know you have. Endure and whenever possible enjoy.

  2. Dad-I'm sorry this is such a tough stretch. There isn't much redeeming about South Dakota, particularly since Tom Daschle left the Senate and they're trying to pass Some of the most stringent anti-choice laws in the country. The Badlands are nice-you may recall Ben, you and I getting awfully close to a buffalo while driving near there several years ago. We were trying to get a good picture and kept walking closer. Mom thought we were nuts.
    The Badlands fit the starkness of the state. I wish I were there to trade off drafting pulls. I'd go whatever speed you'd like.
    The cousins are having a good time together. Today, Ben took us to a beach called turtle bay, which featured turtles. Much to my delight. They snuck up on us in the water a few times, which was surreal. Jackie and Gabe thought the turtles were coming after them and ran out of the water. I was in nirvana. After being knocked down by a chilly (ok, freezing) wave on Long Island a few weeks ago, it's taken Gabe a little bit of time to feel comfortable in the waves. Satchel and Ben have helped. He loves playing in the sand. Makes me wish we had a backyard with a sandbox.
    Wish you were here.
    Love you!

  3. Hey Pops,

    Sounds like a rough day. Hope tomorrow is better. Satchel seems to be following in your pedal-tracks(?) as he has been burning up the cul-de-sac on his big wheel. Tonight we had a lovely sunset picnic with pizza at Pahoehoe park (we did that with you and our friends Steve and Mary and their kids a couple of years ago). Jackie said, "I have a nice cousin" before going to sleep tonight. And Amy and I do too, in Holly. That's great that your worlds crossed paths- she sent us some photos of you that were great to see.

    How about an old Beatles classic to bring you a smile? I know you're already through the black hills, but I'm guessing the motels you've been have had Gideon's bibles. Good luck tomorrow. Wishing you a cool, tailwinded day! Love, Ben

    The Beatles- "Rocky Raccoon"


    Now somewhere in the black mountain hills of Dakota
    There lived a young boy named Rocky Raccoon
    And one day his woman ran off with another guy
    Hit young Rocky in the eye Rocky didn't like that
    He said I'm gonna get that boy
    So one day he walked into town
    Booked himself a room in the local saloon

    Rocky Raccoon checked into his room
    Only to find Gideon's bible
    Rocky had come equipped with a gun
    To shoot off the legs of his rival
    His rival it seems had broken his dreams
    By stealing the girl of his fancy
    Her name was Magil and she called herself Lil
    But everyone knew her as Nancy
    Now she and her man who called himself Dan
    Were in the next room at the hoe down
    Rocky burst in and grinning a grin
    He said Danny boy this is a showdown
    But Daniel was hot, he drew first and shot
    And Rocky collapsed in the corner, ah

    D'da d'da d'da da da da
    D'da d'da d'da da da da
    D'da d'da d'da da d'da d'da d'da d'da
    Do do do do do do

    D'do d'do d'do do do do
    D'do d'do d'do do do do
    D'do d'do d'do do do d'do d'do d'do d'do
    Do do do do do do

    Now the doctor came in stinking of gin
    And proceeded to lie on the table
    He said Rocky you met your match
    And Rocky said, doc it's only a scratch
    And I'll be better I'll be better doc as soon as I am able

    And now Rocky Raccoon he fell back in his room
    Only to find Gideon's bible
    Gideon checked out and he left it no doubt
    To help with good Rocky's revival, ah
    Oh yeah, yeah

    D'do d'do d'do do do do
    D'do d'do d'do do do do
    D'do d'do d'do do do d'do d'do d'do d'do
    Do do do do do do

    D'do d'do d'do do do do, come on, Rocky boy
    D'do d'do d'do do do do, come on, Rocky boy
    D'do d'do d'do do do d'do d'do d'do d'do
    The story of Rocky there

  4. Ellery, your determination and strength will get you through this. just know all of us back here are cheering you on, feeling your pain as much as we can without actually feeling it and saying "oh ellery i feel so bad for you" You may not know it but your journey has given us excitement here in our hum drum world. Keep pedaling, you can do it, "I can do this, I can do this"

  5. Hi Ellery,
    Your blogging makes your journey so real! Thank you. You are a wonder! Ben's songs to you are also a treasure.

    I'm hoping there is a surprise awaiting you at the end of Tuesday's dreaded ride. Here's a hint:

    And here's something from my favorite Irish poet/teacher, John O'Donohue, that captures what I hear in your blogging - presence:
    "May you take time to celebrate the quiet miracles
    that seek no attention.
    May you be consoled in the secret symmetry of your
    being and may you experience each day as a sacred
    gift woven around the heart of wonder."
    Blessings, Kathleen

  6. Ellery

    Wish I could be there riding with you, drafting behind you of course, all day.

    Soon the far west and Midwest will give way to those little rolling hills of the Appalachians. Cake walk.

    You're going to have a sweet farmers tan and lots of stories for the grand kids. Looking forward to you explaining your ride across the country to them.

    Keep it up


  7. Catching up and reading what you've been up to the past few days! How fun for you to have Holly and Eric and the boys there too! Plus it sounds like you are staying the course and dealing with the strenuous ride during the heat. Great scenery, interesting fellow riders, and I gotta say that having Ben's music to cheer you on is a bonus. Keep on the bright side!

  8. Your daughter forwarded me the link to this blog and I'm glad to have it. You are outta sight! I was thinking my three state ride today (Arlington-Bethesda-DC and back to Arlington) was a big day (added some stretches to my normal 20 mile roundtrip commute), but really, I got nothin on you, sir!

    I love the Badlands, and must must must get back there for biking some day. You deserved that beauty as part of your Dakotan slog. Rapid City is fun too -- I spent a weekend in that area as part of my sister in law's 40th birthday celebration. We chose SD since it's the 40th state. Hawaii is 50, yeehaw!

    If you want to do something easy, I'll be riding the Backroads Century in September through some beautiful Virginia countryside. Cmon down!

    Thanks for taking the time to write up all the details, and keep making our generation look like lazy bums!
